Delhi on Saturday logged 1,515 COVID-19 infections and six fatalities with a case positivity rate of 26.46, according to data shared by the health department here. With the new fatalities, the death count from the pandemic rose to 26,595 in the national capital, while the case tally is 20,32,424. Covid was the primary cause of death in one of the six fatalities on Saturday, the department said. Out of 7,974 Covid beds in the city, 385 are occupied, the data showed. The department did not issue a bulletin on Friday. The city saw three fatalities and 1,603 COVID-19 cases on Thursday with a positivity rate of 26.75. On Wednesday, Delhi reported six deaths along with 1,757 new cases of the disease with a positivity rate of 28.63. The national capital had recorded 1,537 COVID-19 cases on Tuesday with a positivity rate of 26.54. On Monday, Delhi recorded 1,017 Covid cases with a positivity rate of 32.25, the highest in more than 15 months. The national capital had recorded a Cov...