Akshata Murty, the Indian wife of Rishi Sunak, plans to make 10 Downing Street a more accessible place during her tenure as UK First Lady and has offered a peek into the official residence of the British Prime Minister, according to a magazine feature released on Wednesday. The February issue of 'Tatler', which hits the stands next week, features Murty on its cover and profiles the former fashion designer and venture capitalist daughter of Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy and author Sudha Murty. In 'No. 10's Chatelaine: Inside the Secret World of Mrs. Sunak', it goes behind the scenes with those involved in the flat's refurbishment as well as close friends and associates who have been given Murty's go-ahead to share some details of life at one of the world's famous addresses. "There will be a different vibe now," a friend tells the magazine, with reference to Murty's plans to move away from the more closed style of her predecessor - Bo...